Top 5 Annoying Players

Targaryen Dragons :

now i'm tempted to change my team name to "Donald Trump's Lies"

We can change our guild to that, TD. Then all the rednecks from those TX guilds would be on here protesting. Throwing out words like, "Dang, y'all fixin' fer a faght?!?"
Hey honey, hold my beer!
LC Bears :

Targaryen Dragons :

now i'm tempted to change my team name to "Donald Trump's Lies"

We can change our guild to that, TD. Then all the rednecks from those TX guilds would be on here protesting. Throwing out words like, "Dang, y'all fixin' fer a faght?!?"

Gotta be done LC, or maybe 'Trumps Golden Showers'?
Who even is this moderator? Surely if the game didn't want people having more then one team then why do support tell you how to do it? Surely you need to check with them first?
I think their point is that you are trying to mock them for using an element of the game that is designed in the game using fake resources. You however use out of game resources and break written rules, none of which they brought up before this mud fest. With those facts and a neutral seat I believe they are telling you to be quiet with the moral superiority because in this interaction you dont have moral superiority. I may be wrong and they can obviously correct me.
Maybe support shouldn't tell you how to make multiple accounts
Sean, I think they are fully aware that the game has that rule to prevent abuse and as long as it isn't being abused (and is increasing their profits) the rule will never be enforced. But team gb was being mocked for using a game element within rules and they countered with cc use statements and statements of rule breaking. Remember, team gb was defending, they didn't initiate. They can speak for themselves, but I think they were telling people who started the team mb statements to get off their high horse because it doesn't exist. The hoofbeats are just coconuts
Targaryen Dragons :

now i'm tempted to change my team name to "Donald Trump's Lies"

Hey, Are you Targaryen from Try Again?
If so, Nice team and strat (I see you challenged me yesterday)..
Your whole guild looks super solid. Hope to meet you guys at some point in a gc.
I didn't start the team mb thing.. it was said by 4 members in a group when i told them who we got next in gvg. So it seems like there known by a lot of guilds by this name
Ah, I assumed it was your guild, I don't know what guild I'm in half the time let alone what guild others are in. But I hope I gave some insight anyway.