Questions? Ideas? Bugs?Bölümler | Konular | Mesaj | Son Mesaj |
News and Patchnotes Description of updates | 19 | 513 | Windows version tarafindan Peanut Butta on 29/07/23 00:18 tarihinde. |
Questions? If you don't understand something, please ask it here | 1356 | 7211 | Disappearing "chat" messages t... tarafindan Ben Harris on 31/01/25 16:30 tarihinde. |
Bugs Found a bug? Report it here | 410 | 1919 | recruiting points tarafindan Guest 5BBI5E on 08/01/25 05:31 tarihinde. |
Ideas You have an idea? | 690 | 3592 | When are we going to see an up... tarafindan Pommy B's on 11/01/25 22:09 tarihinde. |
Guild Forum | 635 | 2859 | Match Fixing tarafindan Huntly South on 26/01/25 13:46 tarihinde. |
Guild Presentation | 143 | 611 | STADE TOULOUSAIN recrute tarafindan Olivier Moissat on 12/07/24 23:56 tarihinde. |
Member search | 123 | 345 | Academy Cymru tarafindan Taffy's Dragons. on 22/05/24 12:21 tarihinde. |
Search guild | 38 | 294 | Join Predators tarafindan Leroy Marinus on 11/11/23 00:35 tarihinde. |
3rd half Talk about everything and | 459 | 6961 | well done Cymru Uprising tarafindan ZazpiakBat on 30/01/25 15:31 tarihinde. |
Questions ? Avis ? Bugs ?Bölümler | Konular | Mesaj | Son Mesaj |
News et Mises à jour Descriptions des MAJ | 14 | 403 | Bug match d'entraînement 17/18... tarafindan Béziers | Dani on 08/08/23 20:02 tarihinde. |
Question sur le jeu Si vous ne comprenez pas une fonction de notre jeu, merci d'en faire la demande ici. | 967 | 4092 | Tactique tarafindan Guest GCDQFG on 04/02/25 18:56 tarihinde. |
Bugs Merci de nous remonter tous soucis que vous rencontrez sur cette partie | 418 | 1776 | cela fait quelles annees que j... tarafindan ZazpiakBat on 31/01/25 17:56 tarihinde. |
Vos suggestions Merci de placer vos idées sur ce sujet | 363 | 1482 | Régle tarafindan Guest 7YTDMZ on 25/01/25 15:04 tarihinde. |
Forum des guildes | 456 | 1707 | Message pour les Phoenix tarafindan ZazpiakBat on 12/01/25 16:37 tarihinde. |
Présentation des Guildes | 27 | 106 | Papa_Ours Team 2021 tarafindan Guest 1W4T2E on 24/03/22 00:06 tarihinde. |
Recherche un membre | 313 | 1023 | Le xv de rêve. Recrute tarafindan Gerard Aubert on 02/09/22 11:19 tarihinde. |
Recherche une guilde | 86 | 453 | Tigres provence cherche guilde tarafindan Guest B10USW on 04/07/23 10:16 tarihinde. |
3ème mi-temps Parler de tout et de rien | 57 | 677 | Caernarfon rfc Goodbye Retirem... tarafindan Caernarfon RFC on 18/01/25 06:39 tarihinde. |