Did you give up james? Hope not!
Yup I've pretty much giving up all hope with. This game . No changes are being made for the good of this game so I'm pretty much done
I hope you stay, because you have one of the strongest teams, and its always good to chat in the forum.

Or at least try to take points away from our persian friends
I might have to change formation I've upset dollard by losing . He's been crying on the French forum . Google translate been working over time for me haha
be carefull FC cluelessness,you ve been threatened by dollard haha...never put you feet in the french forum he said

the match which will opposed dollard and FC clue tomorrow would be very exiting,cant wait haha
Ilol I did see that well I must be a gluten for punishment because I've posted my thoughts on that subject:-) Me vs dollard tomorrow 9:59am the grudge match only on pay per view ! only €9.99 if you order before midnight €15.99 after lol
show him who is the boss...il'have your friend Aria tomorrow...
I've gota sneaky feeling if he wasn't before dollard Gunna use 50% match bonus against me make sur he wins lol
You'll beat him PL your more tactically astute then him .. Well all of us also
Ill google translate, after ive put the little one to bed ...looks like an interesting chat. Use your bonus too james, then you wilk beat him easily. He has only won titles because he always had maximum players ...if he wants fair play, he should explain how he always gets max players and buildings

Go james ...i might pay 20 gold balls to watch the game

And i will use the french forum too as there is no responce anymore in the english forum
50% with all his players would cost stadium price lol .i already beat Arie,hope i'll do it again...
and my striker is coming back ha