Mattyjjj :
Tolgate 23/7 :
If you not using MB, you are not using MB; if you are, you are; the game caters for both now!
Why should those taking the gamble of not using MB be further rewarded by knowing their opponents are not either? If you play without MB you know the risks, the not too secret, secret is to get into a position where you can MB all the matches you need to.
I take it tolgate you are not worried about the game dying and only about your own selfish interests? Must be hard being on the downside and having to hang onto the little rep you have left now to actually endorse mb.
I do not endorse MB; I do not think it should be such a big part of the game but it is, so we have to deal with it. We have been moaning about it and got only one concession.
We have been playing for a year with it and the game is still going fairly strong. So it is probably here to stay (like many of us) and thus you need to adapt your tactics to suit, I think we need to accept the time for whining is done...