Profile of guest_1475661973053

Meet guest_1475661973053 on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by guest_1475661973053

Topics Posts Views Last Post
Kicks direct to touch by guest_1475661973053 on 23/11/21 10:26. 0 7604 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 23/11/21 10:26.
Championship with lvl 82 with lvl 83 players by guest_1475661973053 on 01/02/19 13:45. 4 14784 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 09/02/19 22:35.
Rugby rule error by guest_1475661973053 on 24/08/18 11:19. 0 8619 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 24/08/18 11:19.
Subs and injuries by guest_1475661973053 on 15/08/18 11:47. 6 9004 Here by Peanut Butta on 16/08/18 15:47.
Strength by guest_1475661973053 on 26/07/18 19:13. 6 12663 Here by PastorJack on 27/07/18 17:16.
Lineouts by guest_1475661973053 on 26/07/18 14:25. 14 12993 Here by King of the Jungle #… on 31/07/18 09:54.
Dodgy results by guest_1475661973053 on 21/02/18 19:55. 10 15457 Here by sukitansee on 02/03/18 11:41.
Player prices by guest_1475661973053 on 12/02/18 11:42. 3 9662 Here by One of the fallen le… on 13/02/18 06:56.
Why are the players in the auction house so rubbish? by guest_1475661973053 on 30/01/18 23:31. 3 12175 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 01/02/18 14:00.
Penalty rate by guest_1475661973053 on 25/01/18 14:16. 9 14071 Here by Juggernaut Jugular on 26/01/18 18:42.
Ban subs unless for injuries by guest_1475661973053 on 22/01/18 19:29. 36 30775 Here by Michael Halpenny on 16/02/18 22:44.
Recent changes to create more ‘randomness’ by guest_1475661973053 on 04/01/18 16:33. 9 8769 Here by Black Monks on 05/01/18 16:33.
Inconsistent game play by guest_1475661973053 on 23/12/17 12:23. 3 10898 Here by sukitansee on 29/12/17 11:35.
Auction House by guest_1475661973053 on 25/10/17 09:46. 28 19008 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 27/10/17 15:19.
Game randomness by guest_1475661973053 on 11/10/17 12:19. 10 26363 Here by Stuart Welch on 13/10/17 11:43.
Next season 15 days by guest_1475661973053 on 31/05/17 09:55. 1 8861 Here by Waspy Tiger on 31/05/17 11:19.
Why do I lose so many lineouts by guest_1475661973053 on 23/05/17 15:32. 3 13202 Here by DHSFP on 24/05/17 12:35.

Latest threads replied by guest_1475661973053

Topics Posts Views Last Post
Kicks direct to touch by guest_1475661973053 on 23/11/21 10:26. 0 7604 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 23/11/21 10:26.
Championship with lvl 82 with lvl 83 players by guest_1475661973053 on 01/02/19 13:45. 4 14784 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 09/02/19 22:35.
Rugby rule error by guest_1475661973053 on 24/08/18 11:19. 0 8619 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 24/08/18 11:19.
Subs and injuries by guest_1475661973053 on 15/08/18 11:47. 6 9004 Here by Peanut Butta on 16/08/18 15:47.
Top 5 Annoying Players by PastorJack on 29/07/18 15:40. 122 66560 Here by Black Monks on 04/08/18 22:35.
Strength by guest_1475661973053 on 26/07/18 19:13. 6 12663 Here by PastorJack on 27/07/18 17:16.
Lineouts by guest_1475661973053 on 26/07/18 14:25. 14 12993 Here by King of the Jungle #… on 31/07/18 09:54.
New Update by AB 1977 on 09/03/18 01:07. 29 33114 Here by One of the fallen le… on 15/03/18 08:00.
Dodgy results by guest_1475661973053 on 21/02/18 19:55. 10 15457 Here by sukitansee on 02/03/18 11:41.
Player prices by guest_1475661973053 on 12/02/18 11:42. 3 9662 Here by One of the fallen le… on 13/02/18 06:56.
Paying to pogress a level by Wales_RM on 29/01/18 17:28. 10 18810 Here by Wales_RM on 09/02/18 18:02.
Why are the players in the auction house so rubbish? by guest_1475661973053 on 30/01/18 23:31. 3 12175 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 01/02/18 14:00.
Penalty rate by guest_1475661973053 on 25/01/18 14:16. 9 14071 Here by Juggernaut Jugular on 26/01/18 18:42.
ALL IN FAVOUR OF REMOVING MB SIGN HERE!! by Hawkes Bay Magpies on 20/01/16 11:19. 344 190140 Here by Hawkes Bay Magpies on 21/10/18 00:24.
Ban subs unless for injuries by guest_1475661973053 on 22/01/18 19:29. 36 30775 Here by Michael Halpenny on 16/02/18 22:44.
Sport shop by guest_1459894049716 on 14/03/17 20:56. 47 48625 Here by Bluemooners on 15/01/18 12:06.
Recent changes to create more ‘randomness’ by guest_1475661973053 on 04/01/18 16:33. 9 8769 Here by Black Monks on 05/01/18 16:33.
Inconsistent game play by guest_1475661973053 on 23/12/17 12:23. 3 10898 Here by sukitansee on 29/12/17 11:35.
Auction House by guest_1475661973053 on 25/10/17 09:46. 28 19008 Here by guest_1475661973053 on 27/10/17 15:19.
Game randomness by guest_1475661973053 on 11/10/17 12:19. 10 26363 Here by Stuart Welch on 13/10/17 11:43.