Guest 4BK15N :
ystrad - roid rage, turning its a very hated player so i keep getting told
ystrad - roid rage, turning its a very hated player so i keep getting told
Where is he hated ? Do you know him personally to judge him like that ? Or are you just a cow who follow ?
Don’t hide yourself behind a guest name, balls out no ?
Or just shut up please.
He is really a nice person, and even if I know him personally since a long time, I can not count how many players he have helped in strats, some are there, in this thread without saying names but for sure they will recognize themselves, and just for giving his opinion he is judging like that ?
Be serious dude for now, just grow up a bit in your judgement to be fair and honest and level up your brain.
This thread is fucked anyway as it’s just a game and everyone is free to play as he want, when he want and how he want to.
Damage is a very good team, any doubt about this and I have some close friends in and some are really some great players and really nice dudes.
I won’t enter in any judgement, I will keep it for myself, it’s just a game after all, and I m enjoying it with and for friends more than for the game itself. For sure like many of us.
So close this, and let the game going, it’s not about who have the biggest, it’s a just a game and a community where we are all brothers. End off.
Btw sorry for my English as i’m French, i hope most of you will understand.