International Lions - Your MB Calculator is broken

Good Day Taff and fellow members of International Lions,

A few weeks ago we as a growing guild had the privilege to face of against what we see as one of the Best guilds in the Game, mainly yourself. We as a guild went against our normal rules of no MB and decided that we would like to give you an epic battle as you would not expect anything less. We as a guild have played many friendlies against your members including yourself Mr Taff, we have grown to look up to you guys. You should find us in your schedules quite often, look for Jokers, Super Stormers, Bulldogs, etc and of course myself Mythica. We love a challenge and work hard on our strategies as a guild.

We had one problem, your guilds weakest player was on the same star level as our strongest guy so we decided to go out there and give it our all. This battle brought us closer as a guild so I thank you and your powerful members for making it possible,

So you are right to add us onto your wall for using MB, but that was out of respect to you and your guild nothing more. We have now met for the second time and decided to not use any MB, to show you how strong we really are and I am glad that you now say we used MB again, it just shows that we as a guild are improving and will be competing at your level very soon can't wait for next epic battle.

It does sadden me that most of the respect that was there for you and your guild has now fallen to pieces over our decision to give you an epic battle and how you have perceived it. I am sure at your level not many guilds give you guys a good Guild Challenge, so hopefully you will run into Academy of Champions again soon.

All the best Mythica

P.S. Bulldogs says the Dawg is coming for you.. haha

Mythical Ice,
Thanks for the message.
Are you sure nobody in the guild used MB. The 2nd time ? ;0)
I will update the wall removing the x2 :0)

Always a pleasure to play you guys, keep bringing it on .....

The wall is a bit of fun.... You would be surprised how many guilds have some players that use MB in GvG and then the guild falls short... Which kinda defeats the purpose lol

Still, the wall will be updated based on your input, and we look forward to you continuing to improve and bringing on the battles.

And no issues with the friendlies :0)

Oh and next time can you play me so I get tickets sales ;0) lol
Sweet thanks Taff,

We will keep on bringing it, so see you guys again shortly.

All the best to you and the rest of you guild.
You don't need to use MB for beating the Nippon Power guild today, hahaha

But in my guild, we don't care if we win, tie or loose, its just opportunity to play against other teams

my guild will be using full MB vs international lions if we get them and oh yeah we wont be losing

my guild will be using full MB

I don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone...

my guild will be using full MB vs international lions if we get them and oh yeah we wont be losing

So, who are your guild? I'm sure we can coordinate start times as it'd be fun to watch you boost and still lose...
It is Webb Ellis guild El. Have a look at the front screen on their page, they even say "We don't lose"?

my guild will be using full MB vs international lions if we get them and oh yeah we wont be losing

So much for not using mb, maybe you should talk to your master before you open your mouth? By the way Gilbert how is your gimp training going?