
Has a Damage Team ever thrown a match for a guild member?
Is this ok?
Gregory K. Ishii :

Hel's Kraken :

Yes I watch the videos from La Cag exposed. I have assumed this is a Damage member.........?
I’m not a La Cag supporter either.....
But it that a decent way to deal with an issue, and the foul discussion after some of the posting?

Exactly, so don’t be skeptical. Just accept that Damage have been working hard to improve. If I got it correctly, Damage were the first to stop match fixing, and La Cag are still yet to follow as well.

So Damage guild used to do this and now stopped???????
Gregory, as you can see, she doesn't actually engage with what you're saying but goes round in circles like a broken record. It's honestly a waste of time and effort trying to engage in meaningful conversation with her, buddy.

Phalanx : Damage Inc. :

Gregory, as you can see, she doesn't actually engage with what you're saying but goes round in circles like a broken record. It's honestly a waste of time and effort trying to engage in meaningful conversation with her, buddy.

Seriously fella, I’m open to have my mind changed..,...
If you want to....,,...

I was told to get to know you better!!!!
“ They provide no support to lower guilds in their structure. No growth of their team.
There are some good players in the guild......
some you mentioned but I would not agree with the full list. .,,.....
However the cheater who have been previously banned Still play and lead this guild.
Some leaders there continue to harass, infiltrate and cause personal insults to guilds that won’t align to them....“

This was my original post with the reason I lost respect for the Damage guilds.
Please correct me on these..........

Because the issues relating to match fixing to me is a side line......
Main guilds have asked friend and guild members to throw matches!!!!!
It’s not right and a lot has been said about it............

What about a conversation without insults??????
Is that possible?
Phalanx : Damage Inc. :

Gregory, as you can see, she doesn't actually engage with what you're saying but goes round in circles like a broken record. It's honestly a waste of time and effort trying to engage in meaningful conversation with her, buddy.

Agreed mate, she must be seeking attention as I’ve tried to deliver the message but to no avail

But I’m listening, but you are not address my questions........
You keep referring to stopping match fixing!!!!!!
Mutual respect to you Phalanx after you came back stronger from retirement and probably saved your guild.
Princess, whore, she..........
What is with this???????
Caernarfon RFC :

Mutual respect to you Phalanx after you came back stronger from retirement and probably saved your guild.

Here, here. Mel deserves a big mention on that front too, she works tirelessly for the Damage (and other) guilds and helps people of all levels. Truly a great lady and lovely to boot.