Waspy Tiger for President!!!

Narcissist, 100% pure premium narcissist. I mean I come on here and act important, say I have a couple of master's degree, that my mates are pro rugby players and other VIPs. But sadly I just live in my mom's basement with the Cheeto stains on my shirt. But in my head, it's all true
Also, can somebody please tell me where I can see a rugby for dummies tutorial, I can't follow a darn thing when I watch. I watched the sorries game, at least that's what I thought they were being called. (The Saracens sorries...don't apologize). All I could understand is that the Wayne Barnes really upset the prostitute (I would be pissed if they kept calling me a hooker but apparently it's all good nature). I looked through every rugby for dummies book I could find and still have no clue what the Wayne Barnes is or how it upset the prostitute. And then at the end of the game everyone shook hands nicely and since nobody was pissed I still don't know the outcome. Does anyone win these games?
Waspy Tiger :

Dragon blade :

Waspy Tiger :

Black Monks :

And waspy, I do think you've brought a lot to this forum so my statement doesn't mean I don't. My statement is pro cordiality and not anti-waspy.

Chill out BM, it's only banter. I saw the original post and laughed. "That's set me up for a roasting," I thought, and looked forward to some humour. Good-natured banter is absolutely at the heart of rugby.

Agreed Waspy. We have pro rugby players in our guild and banter is the key to us all getting on. We also even have a few lawyers that respect 'Judge Dredd' aka Waspy 'I AM THE LAW' ;)). One of the boys suggested a 'lonely hearts topic' for members on here ALL the time. I said 'it's not worth it buddie - one could take it the wrong way and have a nervous breakdown' let's have a bit of banter with 'Mr Dredd'... don't anger him though


I don't honestly know how people who can't take a joke get through life - banter makes even the worst times much more bearable.
I feel honoured that you want to have a laugh at my expense, to be honest.

Hey Waspy Tiger I'm guessing your favourite colours are black and amber ;). WT the guardian of the people... Sooooo.. I spoke to my lawyer friend and he suggested some members should file a petition of divorce... from their left hand and begin a support group... headed from 'troll to prince' or and then join a dating website. What better way to spend one's time constructively and therapeutically rather than giving you moderators a hard time. Perhaps attention seeking members may be looking for a man... if this is the case one can not help but wish them the best
You could set up some great forum sites. Facebook has options, slack is a good resource, Kik is good for mobile. As far as the dating websites I'm afraid I'm no help, nobody wants to date an old man with Cheeto fingers. But since you have now insulted a significant number of the members here, and few of us meet your requirement of being a pro player or lawyer, I feel I must wish you luck on your adventures and I bid you adieu
I would have thought that a fire breathing, rugby playing dragon would have been amongst the scariest things imaginable. Insults, accusations, gang tackles or any other form of intimidation would simply bounce off their scaly hides. I am disappointed to learn that some dragons appear to have shed their scales in favour of a thin skin.
But then again, it is a Friday night and this could just be my wine befuddled brain posting more nonsense.
We The Hutchie - the scariest thing imaginable is Scotland's potential in dynamic attack :-). Tell Johnny he has friends here - a gd bloke like yourself. We are many.
....do you read what people are telling you mate? I will try to translate for you. Drop your hate and get thicker skin. We always want new members in this community but we don't want new members that insult those that have been here forever and are well respected. Insulting me is one thing, I'm loud and I have been rather obnoxious. But to take every effort to go after coach is just insanity. Coach is an original on here and is highly respected by most, if not all. Stop the passive aggressiveness, and be part of the community.
I am so bored by so many troll topics-_-' please guys just create a topic for that, well entitled and keep playing on it.
Ty o/
Black Monks :

....do you read what people are telling you mate? I will try to translate for you. Drop your hate and get thicker skin. We always want new members in this community but we don't want new members that insult those that have been here forever and are well respected. Insulting me is one thing, I'm loud and I have been rather obnoxious. But to take every effort to go after coach is just insanity. Coach is an original on here and is highly respected by most, if not all. Stop the passive aggressiveness, and be part of the community.

Thank you for the kind words BM, much appreciated.

Based on that and to get back on topic I have decided to announce my candidacy for president, as nice as what Waspy is we cannot allow him to run uncontested.

My campaign slogan will be "A fluffy pink ball for one and all"
I wish you all the best fluffy pink handcuffs if you read this thread not once is your name mentioned by me :/. It is directed as a help forum for guys on here ALL the time that answer almost immediately to use their time more constructively :). Sadly I will not be voting for you. HAIL.... HAIL... the black and yellow one!!!!