Profile of SSGuest 4C4KR0

Meet SSGuest 4C4KR0 on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by SSGuest 4C4KR0

Topics Posts Views Last Post
Team going lock stock and barrel by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 16/11/19 14:23. 1 11252 Here by Ashley Longthorn on 16/11/19 22:40.
Logic in Challengers by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 09/09/19 08:37. 0 10537 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 09/09/19 08:37.
Logic in Challengers by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 09/09/19 08:35. 3 15865 Here by Ashley Longthorn on 15/09/19 13:03.
New up dates : Goal average by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 31/08/19 16:48. 10 28094 Here by Guest 9WT74Y on 01/09/19 11:10.
training sessions by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 18/07/19 14:50. 0 11914 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 18/07/19 14:50.
Blitz Bokkies NOW RECRUITING by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 08/07/19 20:53. 0 16500 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 08/07/19 20:53.
Change Name of Guild by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 01/07/19 09:36. 1 10785 Here by DHSFP on 01/07/19 12:56.
last minute try by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 02/05/19 00:38. 3 16179 Here by We were the Hutchie on 02/05/19 20:07.
Health in Auctions by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 12/04/19 08:46. 3 15873 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 19/04/19 05:18.
Players waiting 48 hrs by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 08/04/19 22:15. 2 14798 Here by Guest 5AL57M on 28/04/19 17:02.
Training program by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 01/04/19 23:57. 1 13769 Here by Mirko Massarutto on 08/04/19 20:02.
How to transfer my game onto face book by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 27/03/19 10:03. 1 13726 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 28/03/19 19:51.
Challenge Victories vs Challenge Points by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 07/03/19 19:51. 5 14272 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 10/03/19 19:57.
Building costs level by level by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 14/02/19 20:27. 3 12891 Here by Melbourne Storm on 18/02/19 10:30.
UNFAIRNESS IN GUIDE CHALLENGE by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 13/12/18 07:36. 3 10914 Here by hooligan™ on 13/12/18 08:21.
Average team level vs Actual team playing level by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 29/11/18 17:45. 3 9932 Here by Wales_RM on 30/12/18 18:55.
GUILD NOTICE BOARD by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 28/11/18 15:07. 1 10236 Here by sukitansee on 30/11/18 00:54.
Unfairness in Guild Challenge by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 10/11/18 12:35. 3 10147 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 12/11/18 02:17.
48 hr waiting period for team in Guild by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 06/11/18 12:02. 4 13527 Here by One of the fallen le… on 07/11/18 14:10.
Players position vs Players jersey number by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 18/10/18 20:50. 2 14069 Here by Black Monks on 18/10/18 21:56.

Latest threads replied by SSGuest 4C4KR0

Topics Posts Views Last Post
Team going lock stock and barrel by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 16/11/19 14:23. 1 11252 Here by Ashley Longthorn on 16/11/19 22:40.
Logic in Challengers by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 09/09/19 08:37. 0 10537 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 09/09/19 08:37.
Logic in Challengers by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 09/09/19 08:35. 3 15865 Here by Ashley Longthorn on 15/09/19 13:03.
New up dates : Goal average by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 31/08/19 16:48. 10 28094 Here by Guest 9WT74Y on 01/09/19 11:10.
training sessions by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 18/07/19 14:50. 0 11914 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 18/07/19 14:50.
Blitz Bokkies NOW RECRUITING by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 08/07/19 20:53. 0 16500 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 08/07/19 20:53.
Change Name of Guild by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 01/07/19 09:36. 1 10785 Here by DHSFP on 01/07/19 12:56.
last minute try by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 02/05/19 00:38. 3 16179 Here by We were the Hutchie on 02/05/19 20:07.
Rugby manager development team by Sean Case on 19/02/19 15:06. 18 29447 Here by Sean McCrackin on 06/05/19 00:18.
Health in Auctions by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 12/04/19 08:46. 3 15873 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 19/04/19 05:18.
Players waiting 48 hrs by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 08/04/19 22:15. 2 14798 Here by Guest 5AL57M on 28/04/19 17:02.
Training program by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 01/04/19 23:57. 1 13769 Here by Mirko Massarutto on 08/04/19 20:02.
Transfer request to opposing teams by Upandunder on 06/03/19 17:40. 4 16019 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 01/04/19 23:52.
How to transfer my game onto face book by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 27/03/19 10:03. 1 13726 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 28/03/19 19:51.
Challenge Victories vs Challenge Points by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 07/03/19 19:51. 5 14272 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 10/03/19 19:57.
Building costs level by level by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 14/02/19 20:27. 3 12891 Here by Melbourne Storm on 18/02/19 10:30.
Massive tournament by Balderdash Titans on 01/02/18 13:17. 50 52310 Here by Guest DAZD1V on 29/01/19 00:53.
4 GC victories, still on 61 points? by 100% Goku on 06/12/18 07:40. 4 13919 Here by Targaryen Dragons on 29/12/18 01:57.
UNFAIRNESS IN GUIDE CHALLENGE by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 13/12/18 07:36. 3 10914 Here by hooligan™ on 13/12/18 08:21.
Age du joueur by breizhLion on 09/11/18 11:39. 4 13867 Here by SSGuest 4C4KR0 on 05/12/18 22:44.