Arena Of Champions

07/03/17 13:06
TEAM GB is going to lose a gvg to Arena Of Champions and I think the games played show why MB is not all bad. Team for team, AOC are significantly stronger than us. Without MB, we would have had no chance of holding them to a draw and would probably not have had much interest in trying. We used MB, gave it our best shot and had some fun trying. Fair play Arena Of Champions, you were just too good for us.
07/03/17 14:48
A lot of people would say this is what is wrong with mb, although some agree with you. Most top guilds view guild challenges as challenges for growth. I know when I was at SRD we had a 57 unbeaten streak and we could have easily used mb for a draw vs 140k+ but we fell one short mb free and grew a lot from the experience. I think if we had used mb and extended our streak we would have grown less and the unbeaten streak would have become hollow to us. Nice thing about the game is that there are more than one perspectives.
07/03/17 15:00
Although Webb Ellis dont use MB As a matter of course, we would if we needed to to combat another guild who are clearly using it. I have no issues with any guild using it as its in the game. What I have an issue with is teams and guilds who in their names or descriptions claim not to use it, when clearly they do.
08/03/17 13:34
MB is a part of the game which is gradually being phased out. Using MB is not underhand or cheating as it is an option on the game. The swapping of teams in and out of guilds was banned and the 48 hour rule for new teams implemented.
08/03/17 19:12
Bluemooners :

MB is a part of the game which is gradually being phased out. Using MB is not underhand or cheating as it is an option on the game. The swapping of teams in and out of guilds was banned and the 48 hour rule for new teams implemented.


Time to move on no???
10/03/17 01:27
I'm all for moving on and giving second chances after a punishment has been served. No punishment was ever given to any of the parties.
10/03/17 07:30
Please accept my apologies Bluemooners on behalf of all who have allegedly cheated. We have all clearly missed the publication of the Rugby Manager 2 Official Rulebook or the inclusion of the computer game in World Rugby Laws.

Please therefore post a link to the relevant Rulebook and citing the relevant rules that have allegedly been infringed. I will then await my official citing to defend myself. If not I and the rest look forward to your apology.

Remember if you don't commit people (gender neutral) at the ruck you can't be offside.
12/03/17 22:00
Still no sign of the Rulebook that confirms these continuing unjust accusations.
15/03/17 07:08
Please can you also clarify any sports shop rules at the same time as would not like to upset you. Thanks.