MB and gear are part of the game. Those who embrace this reality and skilfully adapt their entire game strategy accordingly to be able to afford MB and gear, and incorporate that into their whole game plan which includes a good match strategy, will rise to the top. Those who instead spend all their time complaining about the rules will continue to battle.
Simply embrace the fact that the game is not as one dimensional as just having a good match strategy and well trained players. There are many strategic elements to the game. Fundraising to be able to afford gear and MB is an element of the game. You will have to learn to incorporate it into your whole game strategy.
In real life, professional rugby clubs can't afford to focus only on training their players and going into match day with a good game plan. They need to also focus on attracting corporate sponsorship and being able to afford the best players, best coaches, staff, kit, training equipment, analytics programs etc etc etc. It's part of the sport.