Wanna bring down pimps?

26/01/19 19:12
No, but I know a guy. lol.
27/01/19 00:30
Pack Attack :

We're building the next great guild at the Bar, we just need a little more talent...

so have one of your guys stop in the brotherhood... not sure i am ever going to trash a guild that I have built over years of this game.. cause whats in a name? the pride that you and a crew of amazing folks build over a long long time... Respect that you earned over a long time.. and the Desire to fight at your best for every brother in the guild...

without that,, you got nothing that will hold a crew together.... and whats the point of taking the top spot without the glue to hold it...

that said.. We are always willing to listen..

if you want to send someone over to talk.. have them play me twice back to back and i will get them an invite..

27/01/19 00:47
I haven't been in this guild that long, so I'm unsure about the name. I've heard it was called Wolf's Moon, then changed to the Bar. Ozone has been there longer than anyone, I'll see if I can get the whole story, but for me, it's more about the people you play with, being willing to help and teach whenever possible, the jokes and friendly banter on chat, and most importantly, everyone being able to get along. I understand having pride in your guild, but if your guild had to change it's name tomorrow, but all your guildmates were the same, all of the values stayed the same, just the name changed, wouldn't you still have pride in that guild, be willing to lay it all on the line for your brothers, your guildmates? I know I would, so that's what I mean by what's in a name. I digressed, did I just lose my train of thought...happens sometimes...
27/01/19 01:21
well on that we are very alike .. we don't do infighting.. all we do is shoot the shit and help each other get better,,,
this game is nothing without the people you play it with,,, pretty much a group of friends...

When I broke this crack addiction of a game and walked away.. it was my brothers who talked me into returning, hell we have a fb chat open for like 2 years lol.... so ya I hear what your saying..

But this .. not the place for this kind of talk.. send someone over.. can be an alt for all I care as long as I know who I am talking too. .. or I can send my nood trainer over and we can talk there... he is a badass lev 11 and cant be away from the traing guilld long as he does all the training but he can take a vacation day or 2 lol
or hit me up on fb...

Randy Young look for the sexy bastard in the cowboy hat...

27/01/19 07:52
Sent you a Facebook invite, Jason Lynn Lester.
27/01/19 23:01
If someone said it or not, we are a "dictatorship". Without rules there is only chaos. I will take it as a compliment as we run a guild that wants everyone on the same page.
As for a merger, it could be a good thing. It could also be the destruction of two good guilds.
28/01/19 00:18
ya but what if they have strippers and great beer?
28/01/19 00:28
Jammin, good to see you are still around, thought you had left the game.

I don't think anyone ever said anything about the pimps leadership structure, besides the pimps.
28/01/19 02:25
More implied than anything, just felt the need to clarify. =) And thanks, I can't leave if I wanted to, they won't let me LOL

Tempting Randy Lol
28/01/19 14:55
With the thread title being "Wanna bring down pimps?" it's easy to see how the unnecessary use of the word "dictatorship" in this thread, from a guild other than Pimps, would be perceived as directed towards Pimps.