Hi Bm
I do genuinely like you, you make the Forum interesting. At times you go too far.
At this time you have been 'hoisted by your own petard'. As regards 'not reading comments' this is something YOU do with regularity. Quote from middle of page 6
'I'm still waiting for 'the 'dressing down', As I read things incorrectly, I'm waiting for my dressing gown to be delivered.'
As you see I didn't mis-type, it was a reference to the above comment.
Your sarcasm has been overtuned and in your words I 'totally win'
So, let's move on now. I won't respond to any more posts on this thread.
I do genuinely like you, you make the Forum interesting. At times you go too far.
At this time you have been 'hoisted by your own petard'. As regards 'not reading comments' this is something YOU do with regularity. Quote from middle of page 6
'I'm still waiting for 'the 'dressing down', As I read things incorrectly, I'm waiting for my dressing gown to be delivered.'
As you see I didn't mis-type, it was a reference to the above comment.
Your sarcasm has been overtuned and in your words I 'totally win'
So, let's move on now. I won't respond to any more posts on this thread.