guille_82 :
Valha, I'm in! You have one more soldier! MB just to let lower levels teams be at the same level than strongest one. Ex: If your skills are limited to 170 (level 27 currently), you can use MB to increase 10 training points to your player skills at maximum if you play against level 29 team JUST in Guild vs Guild Games. If you play against level 28, maximum 5 training points to use as MB.
An mainly, no MB between same level team (championship or tournament)!
Los Pumas Bragadenses
Valha, I'm in! You have one more soldier! MB just to let lower levels teams be at the same level than strongest one. Ex: If your skills are limited to 170 (level 27 currently), you can use MB to increase 10 training points to your player skills at maximum if you play against level 29 team JUST in Guild vs Guild Games. If you play against level 28, maximum 5 training points to use as MB.
An mainly, no MB between same level team (championship or tournament)!
Los Pumas Bragadenses
I believe that what Braga proposes is the best solution to keep MB an still preserve a faire game for everyone. Today if you cash U$S 300 you can be top 10 in the ranking + be in the need of using all the MB you can in every game you play to clean your saturated banks even though you have already all your players at 185 stars. Those are game options as well, but they destroy the game.