
Just had one point: Because the Iranians are getting big help and they're cheating,sweet nitro are not caring about us anymore and want us to spend real money,i have started thinking of Boycotting or protesting. We can do this: No more spending real money, Not getting into tournaments, keep playing friendlies all the time on Iranians to make them annoyed, OR not starting gcs. Also to protest the unfair things BITTER NITRO did, i'd litter the whole forum with IRANIANS OUT and MONEY ON CRAP! Banners. I want a big change. Anyone agrees with this?
To a certain extent yes but remember this is not a sponsored game so they have to get the money from somewhere.

For a long time I have thought they should introduce a charge of about £5 per month if you want to play on after reaching say level 20 for free that would not break the bank for anybody should bring them in more than enough & then they stop selling extras & make it a level playing field for all
ShaunC :

To a certain extent yes but remember this is not a sponsored game so they have to get the money from somewhere.

For a long time I have thought they should introduce a charge of about £5 per month if you want to play on after reaching say level 20 for free that would not break the bank for anybody should bring them in more than enough & then they stop selling extras & make it a level playing field for all

Here can't doubt but yea what I meant is they want us to pay real money on Rp,cash and player upgrade +4 stars or +1 league and that could attract people. But I was once interested in doing that but now I'm very red with anger and want to protest now lmao
I'd want my accounts deleting if I had to pay for a game thats corrupt to the core. i also don't agree with the GC thing because thats harms us as well cos it;s free money to us but one thing I can suggest to really annoy iranian teams is to block them from playin there gc games by playing your own guild members on repeat i've done that a few times when it;s got to last few standing it's easier to do . I do agree with not spending a penny on the game tho. I mean can anyone actually tell me the last useful update they did? or the last unbiased update they did?
Ashley Longthorn :

I'd want my accounts deleting if I had to pay for a game thats corrupt to the core. i also don't agree with the GC thing because thats harms us as well cos it;s free money to us but one thing I can suggest to really annoy iranian teams is to block them from playin there gc games by playing your own guild members on repeat i've done that a few times when it;s got to last few standing it's easier to do . I do agree with not spending a penny on the game tho. I mean can anyone actually tell me the last useful update they did? or the last unbiased update they did?

Maybe gc orite but yes the update made a bad blow