
Ok done all those players
there is a last one if ever you still can bid till 18.000....Rohan 149.9.....29years old M .Thank you
Ok done also I've still 103k left
thanks you for all buddy and good luck for the rest
Ok no worrys if you have any1 in your guild who can raise the bids on any of the ones so far I'll Keep out bidding them if not No worrys

Good luck to you too
did you bid each player until how much? because Madagascar sold players and can bid till 20.000 now for the 5 players i put...i dont dare to bid more than 18000 to not take a risk if ever you stay at 18000
I'll bid 20k on them all now
Wow cluelessness.. one big shame for me is you never joined team wales.. much respect for you. One of my heroes all the best buddy
you are there? let the GK for me please
Yeh sorry didn't mean to bid for him got a little carried away . I've bid 48700 on Rohan so you can up that bid .