Kicking XP

14/12/16 00:04
I might as well be going for 2 points after each TD for the stupid number of times my kicker misses. There are games when he is less than 50% on PAT. It is nonsense.
08/01/17 06:44
Bumping because I am curious- how much of an issue is this down the line w/high kicking accuracy stats?
08/01/17 07:29
My kickers are maxed at 75 on the two kicking stats power and accuracy and I still miss extra points on a regular basis.
08/01/17 09:23
What the ballsack, it's like we're in the 60s lol
08/01/17 11:49
The higher your championship level the better your kicker will be. So even if you are maxed out at level 10 he will still miss some kicks, it will eventually get to a point where he will get the most of them over once your level and stats are high enough
08/01/17 12:38
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