Football Champions Classic (International)


Wyniki wyszukiwania


How long do I have to wait to receive my credits?

Credits should be delivered immediately after your transaction. In rare cases you might have to wait for a few minutes before receiving your credits but if you still have not been delivered 1h after the transaction please contact our support team.

Note: this does not apply to sponsored offers (Sponsorpay, for example).


Please take great care when filling in a Sponsorpay offer. Indeed, your participation can be rejected by Sponsorpay if the submitted information appears to be false or incomplete.

Our team cannot validate Sponsorpay offers directly, please use the support form in the Sponsorpay interface.

Can I get free vitamins?

Yes, there are several ways of getting free vitamins:

- Sponsor friends: Go to the sponsoring page in the Bank section to get your sponsoring link. Anyone you registers with your sponsoring link will earn you vitamins when their team reaches the defined goals (see the sponsoring page for details).
- Sponsorpay: It's a offer based system thats rewards you with free vitamins. Go to the Bank to start using it.
- In-game competitions: You are rewarded with free vitamins if you win the cup or certain leagues.