Training points

Just an idea.... Could you figure out how to add training points without accidentally hitting the 4 hr training button? Almost every time my player raises a star level while I'm adding my points, I hit 4 hr train. Maybe just stop telling me I raised a level. Anyone paying attention will know when they're done adding their points. Any other suggestions are welcome
Train before you start assigning your points, that way the button will be gone and you might have an extra point or two to assign
Training points can also be assigned by clicking the name of the stat, so you'd just end up on a new player. However, I generally agree with QBall, I only hold off on training if I have a match soon (and generally don't assign points just before a match anyway)
Good idea training before I add points... thank you. I'll have to try clicking the name of the stat, thank you Ryan.
when do the 80star players open up to allow assigning of built up points? why have them if you cant add them?
Brian I'm assuming the cap for your championship level is 80 points per stat.

Once you level up in your championship you can assign the points you've built up during the previous season. This will give you the edge at the start of the new season.