Wanna bring down pimps?

Clouds, I just want to say 1 thing about what you have said.....(not that its any of my business) but this is a GAME FORUM open for everyone...…..you are 100% correct on the things you said......Some players are just simple whiners and excuse makers when they lose or feel they are dropping...….instead of retiring or TRYING to make their shit better, they whine and make excuses...….

Clouds you seem like a fun nice dude......and THE BAR is all about being a positive fun atmosphere, not some BS dictatorship or a place to whine about losing...we all lose and yes sometimes we may need some help.....but don't ask for help then never use it and keep whining...…..

im sorry if this hurts some peoples fragile feelings, but its the coldhearted truth......Just stop being a biotch about losing and fix your shit...……

Clouds if you ever want a cool place to jump to, we at THE BAR can always try to make you welcome here..
Guest F1OSJR :

Randy Young :

Didn't screen shot anything . I simply have not erased my phone in months. Good luck bro. Sorry you didn't fit in. Be well

I'm not your bro.... Been through too much shit with real ass people for someone who wants to act one way one minute to then try and be friendly the next to call me that. Hate me or don't. Get off your middle ground. You ain't a bad dude but we don't see eye to eye. Not at all. Not your bro.... Not anywhere close.

LOL clouds your a trip..
you seem to think I give a shit what you think.. 2 days after you joined us and spammed the living shit out of my pms I knew how this would end.. I was thrilled when you left... I don't care what you do, where you play and how you live your life ...

C4L I was in the top 5 when i needed to take some time away... not sure if that was pointed at me or not. Just saying i didn't leave because i was losing anything... The fixing my team part comes now.. truth thats the fun part of the game..

He wasn't referring to you LVO, I think he has others in mind LOL. Clouds and the great teams he brought with him have been welcomed by us. I think they like it here but don't really know. We are excited to have him and his mates here =)
"BS dictatorship" Hahahahahahhaahahaahaaaaaaa
Jammin' do u comment on everything??????.......geesh!.....lol.......My words were directed for Clouds in support of the things he said about his FORMER guild.....NOT his present one!.......So take what I said and dissect it anyway you want......It was nothing other than me agreeing with what he said in his post and just letting him know what THE BAR is like.....that's it plain and simple
Yes... yes I do LOL The words Pimps and dictatorship seem to go hand in hand lately. That's why I commented =) I don't hear ANY OTHER GUILD with that word labeled to them. Maybe LVO is a dictator too? Don't know..... been a long time since we shared a guild.
You haven't figured out by now I don't shutup? LOL
Randy Young :

Guest F1OSJR :

Randy Young :

Didn't screen shot anything . I simply have not erased my phone in months. Good luck bro. Sorry you didn't fit in. Be well

I'm not your bro.... Been through too much shit with real ass people for someone who wants to act one way one minute to then try and be friendly the next to call me that. Hate me or don't. Get off your middle ground. You ain't a bad dude but we don't see eye to eye. Not at all. Not your bro.... Not anywhere close.

LOL clouds your a trip..
you seem to think I give a shit what you think.. 2 days after you joined us and spammed the living shit out of my pms I knew how this would end.. I was thrilled when you left... I don't care what you do, where you play and how you live your life ...

C4L I was in the top 5 when i needed to take some time away... not sure if that was pointed at me or not. Just saying i didn't leave because i was losing anything... The fixing my team part comes now.. truth thats the fun part of the game..

So you publicly admit to wanting me out after two days. You acted so childish that whole time from the moment I joined u looked for reasons to get pissed at me. I spammed ur in box? That's cute coming from the guy that'll right 19 messages 6 pages long. The people you play with know u forced me out. You made that choice and stuck to it. U think I didn't know u wanted me gone. Why the fuck u think I left. Doesn't seem fair to the rest of ur guild ur lil anger problems gonna have them losing someone they played with for years. You know how many people I've cussed out and screamed at on this game.... None. Cause I don't care that fucking much. U wanna act like so all powerful political leader when in reality ur a snake. You wanna act behind the scenes and pretend like we don't see, or notice. Do you lvo. You won't see another reply here from me. As a person... U ight. As a leader... I think ur far from capable. Ur teams retire and manyyyy have left. See ya out there. It's a shame ur taking some good teams down with ya.... But have fun doing it. Shoot who knows maybe you'll find someone new in tdm to take ur stress out on.
Where is my dictator?
str3ifenkarl :

Where is my dictator?

He dictated me soooooo much.... O noooo. I have nooooo free will guys. LMFAO. Don't worry guys I'm a Dev now too;) I get my first paycheck soon from nitro right?!