With everyone making so much cash with max stadium and ticket office, the cash needs to be spent somehow and most guys are using Match Bonnus for that which in itself is REALLY irritating because it does not give a true reflection of the game.
Why don't you introduce a few new buildings as well? Something like a training academy that trains young players from age 18.
Perhaps a scouting building, that will scout for players. You identify the stats that you require, age, training%, recovery etc. and as soon as such a player appears on AH it notifies you. (or perhaps even start bidding up until your max bid you set)
Specialist banker building- when you have excess cash you can lend that money to other players at a certain interest rate repayable in a few days.
to name but a few...
With everyone making so much cash with max stadium and ticket office, the cash needs to be spent somehow and most guys are using Match Bonnus for that which in itself is REALLY irritating because it does not give a true reflection of the game.
Why don't you introduce a few new buildings as well? Something like a training academy that trains young players from age 18.
Perhaps a scouting building, that will scout for players. You identify the stats that you require, age, training%, recovery etc. and as soon as such a player appears on AH it notifies you. (or perhaps even start bidding up until your max bid you set)
Specialist banker building- when you have excess cash you can lend that money to other players at a certain interest rate repayable in a few days.
to name but a few...