Waspy Waspy :
When teams are able to train their players to the standard of those at higher levels then this seems like an interesting idea. Until that point it's a moronic suggestion that only helps the big teams and completely screws the smaller teams. I never use mb but there would be plenty of teams in plenty of guilds who would never be selected for GvG with this in place.
Removing mb from championships where it is a level playing field is a no-brainer. Trying to implement this is brainless.
When teams are able to train their players to the standard of those at higher levels then this seems like an interesting idea. Until that point it's a moronic suggestion that only helps the big teams and completely screws the smaller teams. I never use mb but there would be plenty of teams in plenty of guilds who would never be selected for GvG with this in place.
Removing mb from championships where it is a level playing field is a no-brainer. Trying to implement this is brainless.
Isn't the whole point of a GvG to see which guild is stronger? Why should a lower rated guild gain strength through MB to draw a GvG? That is precisely the argument we all have about MB. It favours the weaker guild/team. That is what we are all trying to eliminate.
So is this method still brainless in your wise words?
With regard to removing MB from championships there are other factors which make its use more worthy, it is not merely a no-brainer as you view it.
Factors: progression to next level for better use of training point allocation. Top teams who have maxed out buildings. There are others too.
Maybe u can enlighten me with further respectable and educated views.