For those of you who dont me I am Paw Paw Hill .. Jammin knows who i am .. i have been playing this or should i say i have been around this game since almost day one like 4 years ago .. i go back to when there were only 2 guilds .. i was a member of Dynasty .. for those of you who who dont know Dynasty was the top guild for the longest time .. before pimps there was dynasty. and I'm not talking about dynasty reborn .. for a short time I was the top player in the game going against guys like Aggie Mcnasty from pimpin .. I'm not taking sides here .. but the biggest threat to guilds isnt showing people.the ropes.. which jammin here can attest that I was pretty good at showing him the ropes as well as others .. I honestly wish I had more time with him before he made his promotion from.black sheep to dynasty (it may have changed to pimpin by that time) none the less it was well deserved promotion . Back to my point biggest killer of a guild. dont care if its top of the food chain or the bottom... childish behavior lack or poor communication and lack of having fun will kill a guild .. it's what eventually killed dynasty .. look around look at that guild list. Especially the ones in the top 25 .. many of them can find their roots to Dynasty .. Dynasty starts training guild in fighting starts in dynasty and people leave and start new guilds . Drama starts in the brotherhood (training guild for dynasty) shortly after and people leave and start new guilds .. last time I checked there are 10 guilds that have roots that go back to Dynasty. and another 6 that are derived from others . .. somenare training guilds but many of them are because people take this game way to seriously and I mean WAY TO SERIOUSLY .. I just hope jammin remembers how it was in black sheep .. where it was more then just football and busting each others stones about liking justin bieber and liberace ruled the chat .. and honestly if there is only one thing he learned from me is to have fun I would be happy with that .. js