Attack Speed Defensive speed

Question: What is the relationship between the Attack Speed in the team settings and Acceleration skill level on the individual player? Does the Attack/Defense team setting calculate a certain percentage of each individual players Offensive/Defensive Acceleration bonus? Are Acceleration skill level bonuses nullified for individual players if the team Attacking/Defending speed settings are at 0%.
It calculates a percentage of each players allocated skill points towards attack/defence acceleration. To make it simple: on a player with 100 points allocated to acceleration. If you use 100% on main strat acceleration will be 100, use 50% and acceleration will be 50 and 0% will give you 0 acceleration.
So if you have 100 points in Offensive/Defensive acceleration but have your team Offensive/Defensive Attack speed(s) at 0% it is just like having 0 skill points allocated to the skill tree of the individual player. Ok makes sense. I was wondering because of the negative penalty imposed on players for using Offensive/Defensive acceleration in terms of juke and tackle.If you are not using the team speed % it is a total waste of time to put points in the acceleration skill for individual players, I was hoping that the skill point allocation would allow for the bonus without the penalty of the team speed bonus making the penalty phase a trade-off for even more bonus created by the team speed bonus. If that makes any sense. I guess in short I am saying. Player with trained skill gets acceleration bonus without the penalty because they put in the time to train it. If said player wanted to supercharge they could use the team speed bonus and accept the penalty that came along with it. I guess that is what the hated match bonus is for sorry for the long post. and thanks for the help.
By my observation, a player with high speed stat will still be faster than a player with a low speed stat if both teams have the same play settings.