For those who dont know me you may have faced me ,, I am Paw Paw FKN HIll / Paw Paw Hill ,, .I guess you could call me one of the old heads ,, I may not be as active as i once was .or have a team that is competitive like it once was but i have been with this game sisnce almost the beginning , I remember when you only had three choices when it came to guilds to join ,, SEC ALL STARS ,, which i beleive is defunct now (which i was a member ) Gridiron Greats (another which i beleive is defunct ) or starting your own... in short time the guilds jumped from 2 to 4 ,, and ichanged guilds to DYnasty (way before the Reborn part came) Dynasty was filled with some ultra competitive dudes .but together we were a DYNASTY .. we beat up on other guilds and especially each other ,, Most of what is common strategy now is was experimented and perfected by those of us in Dynasty ,, Mind you all of this was way before there were 800 guilds and guild challenges ,, that all of us were racing to be the first one level up our stadiums so that we could claim to be the VERY FIRST PERSON with ALL 3 Strategy buildings ... from Dynasty i went to be a founding member of The Brotherhood to a founding member the training guild Black Sheep ,, and when that was ready to be a real guild of its own i became a founding member of Bones Brigade ,, I have been in many guilds and for the short time i have been in those guilds i do appreciate the guys i was with ,, .. I know i have a weak team ,, and i consider myself semi retired ,, honestly only reason why i stay is because the friends i have made ,, but there was a time although briefly where PAW PAW HILL was the best in the game ... anyway to my point ,,, i really think that after 3 almost 4 years of this game that we all love to play that we should honor those that paved the way ,, I would like everybody to nominate some people to be part of the hall of fame first class ,, (hopefully somebody nominates me ..lol) and each year we will add one or two names to the HOF ,, but for the first ever induction class we should have 6 inductees ,,
i would like to first nominate the guild Dynasty
my players/teams
Aggie Mcnasty ,
Top Gun
Dallas Desperadoes
Lehigh Valley Outlaws
Myrtle Beach Raiders
if i didnt mention your teams name please dont be offended there really has been some tough guys that i have played and there are 1000s of teams that have come and gone in the last 3 plus years ,, .. The guys i have mentioned were all #1 guys at one time or guys that have influenced many on how to play this game ,, i would like to see what everybody thinks and we will go with a consensus when it comes to induction.... thank you for your time Paw Paw Hill
i would like to first nominate the guild Dynasty
my players/teams
Aggie Mcnasty ,
Top Gun
Dallas Desperadoes
Lehigh Valley Outlaws
Myrtle Beach Raiders
if i didnt mention your teams name please dont be offended there really has been some tough guys that i have played and there are 1000s of teams that have come and gone in the last 3 plus years ,, .. The guys i have mentioned were all #1 guys at one time or guys that have influenced many on how to play this game ,, i would like to see what everybody thinks and we will go with a consensus when it comes to induction.... thank you for your time Paw Paw Hill